Biz-Εμείς coverage of the February 2017 School

By Dayanışma, Συσπείρωση Ατάκτων, CyBC, Thu 02 February 2017, in category Recordings

Autonomous School, Cyprus Issue

CyBC's Biz-Εμείς coverage of Autonomous School 2nd February 2017: Perspectives on Solution in the Turkish Cypriot Community (Dayanışma)

The next Autonomous School organized by Syspirosi atakton will host Dayanışma on a presentation concerning the perspectives of various political groups and organizations in the north cyprus, in regards to the negotiations for the solution of the Cyprus issue. An open discussion will follow laying the basis of a grass root approach amongst people living in the north and south side of the border. Dayanisma is a Turkish Cypriot activists group. You can find more here:
